Msc Pedro Aguilera

  1. How long have you been working in this University?
"About Fifteen years."

3. What subjects have you taught, which one has been your favorite and why?
 "Literature, I have been teaching Literature for the last ten years. Particularly, Introduction to Literature, Literature of the English speaking world I and II, but my favorite one is Literature. Because, it is the only way it can be reached and you can do whatever you want. And particularly; because you have the chance to say, write and perform the way you like, the way you like to express your opinion. So, in this workshop you have to work with creative writing, in that sense you will try to develop your own ideas, you will act or delete character in the sense that you become the writer, the producer and the director of the play and it is important because you feel not only that you are the student but that you are adopting the part in this teaching learning college..."

3. Is there any subject you have not taught, but you wish to do. Which one and why?

   "Nothing. Not now. No. I haven’t taught many subjects. For example, Phonetics or Grammar but I wouldn’t like to teach them, at all. Because from my point of view, I have been interested in what to do with language and not how language works; so, I don’t pay too much attention to which is the right pronunciation, or if it is the correct way of writing any idea; obviously, they are unfortunate, they are fundamental, but what really matters in my view, is what you are able to convey, what you are able to communicate when you use any different language. The effect which is produced on the other person on the list, the neuron of the receiver, the effect. If you are able to touch, to shake that person’s world, I think that’s the very essence of any language, what to do and  not how or to describe how language works, I think it’s important, but I would say it’s not the most important part of it."

4. What are the best experiences you have lived as an English teacher at the Teacher’s training college?

    "To keep in mind memories, demanding professor but someone who tries to do his best. In order to make you be a better human being. I could say that the best experience, whenever time. I find a new student, a former student, that says "professor yesterday I remembered you, last year I remembered you when I was teaching this and remember when you were teaching me...this thinking and I remember the way you did it, and I tried to do the same" and I think that's the most important, this is a career where you have to find the real meaning of education, and the real meaning of it is trying to be better, definitively trying to be more educative than you were yesterday. This is not for money or any matter of these shallow things; if you want to be rich, you can go out and do many activities to get rich, but if you want to be a better person, that’s the right place to do it, in the sense that education helps us to other senses of our lives, and to open hearts and minds, our hearts and minds and whatever we got, and that’s the best experience you can have as a professor."