Our Experiences from this Website.

Luisana Paraguacuto

My Experience.
  As we all know, technology is a very important tool not just in teaching but in our daily life.
 We, as future teachers, have to keep a balance with how technological advances are today, for searching for new and diverse information which is going to help us in our personal growth, but most importantly, to be well prepared for our teaching in a near future.
   One of these technological advances, and a very important one, is the blog, since it is an interactive tool through which we are able not just to present formation, but also, to share experiences through the posting of comments and other interactive recourses blogs provide us.
  Taking this into account, I consider the creation of this blog a very useful way to present to you, and in a near future to the world, this wonderful teacher staff we count on in this university. They are the founders of our knowledge, the ones who encourage us everyday to continue in the path we are in now, who help us with any doubt we have, but most importantly, the ones who make us realize that we are studying not just some aspects of the English language, but also, that we are studying to teach others, and English is just the way we are going to develop the teaching process.
  Through interviewing the teacher staff at UPEL-IPM, it made me see all the wonderful experiences we can have as teachers; it is really pleasant when we know our students see us as role models and follow our same steps, adopting what we taught them or how we taught something as their own, and that’s the best payment we can have as teachers.
    Therefore, this blog is a valuable initiative for us as English students in this university, for starting to value the professors and all the resources we have in our Linguistics Department, instead of arguing and complaining about what we lack of.   

Vicky Gimon

My Experience.

A teacher is a person who forms others, but a person who should teach, not only about what he /she studied but also other aspects influencing us. Nowadays it is impossible being in disagreement that technology is present in our lives day after day even more. Actually we can notice how either children or adults frequently use many technological tools in almost everything they do. Teachers should know how to use some technological tools but not for making teaching easier but also for trying to be at par of globalization.
I confess to use computer basically through Microsoft office and Internet for reviewing my e - mail or facebook; although I know there are other useful tools I was not interested in them, but thanks to Advanced English II taught by Yuraimig Rivero I could understand what a blog is, its advantages and basic aspects about how to create it, though at the beginning I was a little confuse about steps for getting it, now I know general aspects, but I would like to know much about it for increasing my general culture and future performance as an English teacher.

Yulia Rosales.

   My Experience:

   "Communication is part of our lives and World; human beings use a lot of tools to express their feelings and thoughts and the “Blogger” used as a tool is an excellent product which technology bring us because through it we can publish and see every detail that we want to see and use.

    Like any other tool, computer can be complex and even more when you use it for the first time, but if you practice to manage it, then it will be easy and you will take advantage of it.

    It was and is a great experience for me, because I developed my ability as a researcher and student of this career."

Finally, I would like to thank the proffesor Rivero, for her great incentive to use this tool of communication and learning process.

                                                                                                                                                                             Yarima Inagas
      This was a good experience.

    "Although this semester has been very short, I feel every subject that I took has demanded a lot of time and effort and, Advanced English II has not been the exception. I admit that I have complained sometimes but, actually, I am really glad and thankful because of those demands; they gave me the opportunity to grow up as a learner, to put in practice skills like listening at the beginning when we watch and listened to some videos, things such as discussions in a debate (which I enjoyed very much), and the creation of this blog, of course, which has been really funny.

   I had never made a blog like this one before and at first I thought it would be difficult but I liked the procedure of its creation a lot; the way you can design it with the colors, pictures and content that you prefer. Although I worked with 4 of my classmates and we had to take decisions that please all of us but I liked to share with them too. I really liked and admire the words that some of our English teachers gave to us in their answers when we interviewed them. And I learnt that before judging the technology as an enemy, we must to handle it because weather we like it or not it is an important part of our daily life as students, common people and, of course, as future teachers (as Professor Yuraimig always tries to teach us), and to take into account that technology will continue progressing so, we have to move with it."

Elianet Rueda. 

My Experience: 

     "I did not know what to expect when I first found out we had the big responsibility to create a blog in which some of the most remarkable English Teachers should be listed, interviewed and exposed to any  visitor from the web. It was not an easy way home but a pretty challenging work we had to deal with as a group by then. It was not just the creation of a web site (a blogger in this case) what I was a bit concern of; but the big challenge of letting people, specially the English students from UPEL,  know a little about the ones who have been some of their English teachers and in this way, try to make students follow them in this technological journey to their way to get to success; because certainly, all of them have got it somehow and fortunately, it could finally be discovered through these pages... In this blog where a piece of their lives is exposed."

     "While doing the interviews and writing down their answers, I found out that it was joy and pleasure what each of them had while talking. I noticed through their words how much they care for the career they were carrying on; they loved what they had been doing all this time and no words for complaining came out of their mouths., nothing else but kind words from people who love to help others by the art of teaching."

      "For sure, there could not be a better way to show people all this information than doing it on the web where everybody up-to-date takes part in and has the chance to become a member of it and participate on it. As everyone is engaged with technology, teachers cannot allowed themselves to move backwards any more and be the company of old books and traditional methods that are not even used nowadays. We should take advantage of what this new and extraordinary WORLD brings us and try to be part of it, using it the way we consider is the best to and not just for us but for the ones who expect our best, who expect to learn about what is new and fantastic, Our Students."